People Can Fly cuts 30 jobs

By mzaxazm

Polish developer People Can Fly is laying off more than 30 members of staff.

That’s according to Kotaku, which has confirmation from the studio that workers are set to lose their roles. Per an internal email at the firm from development director Adam Alker, these cuts are set to only affect staff working on the upcoming Project Gemini.

Another 20 workers are no longer on that game, but have been moved to other projects.

“We understand that this decision impacts each of you, and we want to express our gratitude for your hard work, dedication, and contributions thus far,” Alker wrote.

“To those individuals transitioning out of the studio due to these changes, we extend our sincere appreciation for the skills and expertise you brought to the team. We will keep our fingers crossed for your next steps in game dev and offer all our support.”

People Can Fly is working with publisher Square Enix on Project Gemini having previously collaborated on 2021 shooter Outriders.

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